TM: Teens + Momentum
A place where teens discuss the good, the bad, and the unique about growing up and finding momentum in life.
32 episodes
Episode 30: Maximizing Yourself w/Software Engineer Consultant Jaclyn Wilson
With so many commitments to school, work, family, and more: how do you do it all? How do you find yourself among everything, and how do you keep yourself intact? Listen to learn about the story, experiences, and advice from Ms. Jaclyn Wilson.&n...
Episode 30
Episode 29: Senior Advice w/Matthew Li
Quick and short 15 minutes on doing what is important to you. A nice reminder for those of us going through college apps right now :) Email: tmteensmomentum@gmail.comWebsite: htt...
Episode 29
Episode 28: Fencing!
Ello luvs, come listen about fencing from one of the best fencers in the nation :))Email: tmteensmomentum@gmail.comWebsite: https://tmteensmomentum.buzzsprout.com
Episode 28
Episode 27: USNA w/Skyler Schork
Speaking with a United States Naval Academy graduate is no small thing... and I was lucky enough to come into contact with Ms. Skyler Schork for this interview. I hope everyone finds a little bit of themselves in this interview and sees that no...
Episode 27
Episode 26: Art w/Kolarp Em
Thank you so much to Ms. Kolarp Em for taking the time to share such thoughtful thoughts with us... ehehehe :) I especially love the part when we talk about what makes art art, and I think it's something that everyone can enjoy thinking about t...
Episode 26
Episode 25: Growing Up, MMA, and Looking Back!
Episode 25
Episode 24: Life Advice with Colonel Candice Frost
YES I TALKED WITH A COLONEL... AND A FEMALE ONE TOO!! GO HER!! But in all seriousness, I loved this interview so much, and I'm so fortunate to have been able to talk with her. I hope you enjoy this episode in all its self-reflection and glory :...
Episode 24
Episode 23: School & AP World?
This was actually supposed to be a Just Life #2 episode, but it ended up being more about our first impressions with school and tricks we quickly developed after starting AP World. Enjoy :)Email: tmteensmomentum@gmail.comWebsite...
Episode 23
Episode 22: Guest Ethan DeRose
Interview with artist Ethan DeRose! Very cool, sorry I fangirled a bit, but I couldn't really help it. Thank you SO MUCH to Mr. DeRose for making the time to record this episode with me. It was such a cool moment!Email: tmteensmomentum@...
Episode 22
Episode 21: Working & Jobs
SORRY FOR GOING AWOL FOR A HOT MINUTE but here's a light little episode on employment as teens :) PS: I got a job :))Email: tmteensmomentum@gmail.comWebsite: https://tmteensmomen...
Episode 21
Episode 20: Back to School (and some crew talk)
*in Jack Sparrow accent* With attending school virtually for almost two years, it's going to be a wee bit awkward moving back in the building, ain't it love?Email: tmteensmomentum@gmail.comWebsite:
Episode 20
Episode 19: Social Media
Some thoughtful reflection on why social media could hold more power over us than we are comfortable with. Email: tmteensmomentum@gmail.comWebsite: https://tmteensmomentum.buzzsp...
Episode 19
Episode 18: Book and Show Recs
Some of my favorite books and shows that are must reads/watches. Enjoyy :)Email: tmteensmomentum@gmail.comWebsite: https://tmteensmomentum.buzzsprout.com
Episode 18
Episode 17: Music Industry
Choosing to follow what you truly want to do can be tough, and today we talk about how being a part of the music industry can be rough. Our world's respect towards music and the music industry is declining, although the demand for more content ...
Episode 17
Episode 16: Gap Year Adventures
Listen about how a friend of mine used her gap year to travel the whole country with her friends. From beautiful hikes to long drives to endless oatmeal breakfasts, learn about how you can utilize your gap year to fulfill your dreams that seeme...
Episode 16
Episode 15: Film & Photography
People say that a picture is worth a thousand words. This episode is about why film and photography is so important to us, and how we manage to express certain themes with the click of a camera. Email: tmteensmomentum@gmail.comW...
Episode 15
Episode 14: Art
I honestly respect artists so much for giving us the art that we didn't realize we needed until we saw it. It seriously takes so much time and hard work to say a thousand words without writing a single letter, and this one's dedicated to all th...
Episode 14
PSA: Environment & Proper Recycling
Listen in to hear about how the world is taking care of Mother Nature, and what YOU can do to help. Personally, the environment was never really a pressing matter to me, but after doing some research for this episode, I realized that our genera...
Episode 13: Motivation
When life gives you lemons, run away. Just kidding. I suggest you take a breath and take it step by step, but that's never easy. This episode goes into our reactions to challenges and how we motivate ourselves to push through (if we even manage...
Episode 13
Episode 12: Maturity
Today's episode is kind of motivating and hopefully very relatable since we talk about what the future means to us and how we've changed since 13. Sorry I missed last week's episode... finals are coming :(Email: tmteensmomentum@gmail.co...
Episode 12
Episode 11: Just Life
With a different format than usual, this episode has no topic! It's a conversation that just goes with the flow about anything and everything that we end up thinking about in the moment. It gets kind of crazy near the end, and I'm pretty sure y...
Episode 11
Episode 10: Books
For all the students out there, listen in on why we find books to be pretty much the best thing in the world. Plus, we give you awesome book recs throughout the episode!Email: tmteensmomentum@gmail.comWebsite:
Episode 10
Episode 9: Fashion
I'm still working through clothes that I wore 2 years ago, so I thought I'd ask someone who dabbles in fashion for some advice. Listen for what fashion really means to people, along with some tips, options, and weird trends going on! Em...
Episode 9